Monday 23 September 2013


Women hold only 22 % of strategic decision-making posts in the public media and only 12 % in the private media organisations in the EU-27– as the research of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) shows. ‘Increased number of women in the decision-making structures of media organisations would bring social justice, better use of talents and innovative decisions. It would also improve media content.’ - says Virginija Langbakk, Director of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

1 comment:

  1. Weekly Class Performance w/c 23rd Sept:
    Hannah, you missed the class on Friday, but prior to that I feel you seemed a little more focused in class than the week before. I need to always see engagement and positivity in class - something I saw more of last week. I am concerned that your Dr Who analysis homework has still not been done. You must make sure you do ALL homework I set, on time, and in appropriate detail.
