Thursday 3 October 2013

Dr who analysis

I looked at dr who episode 2 series 1, I focused on the camera, editing, mise-en-scene and sound. In the opening sequence there is an establishing shot of the earth to inform the audience straight away of the time and geography, this shot of earth is a sci-fi convention. Throughout the programme there is a series of long of mostly long shots and mid shots, along with some extreme close ups. Extreme close ups are used to show the emotion or expression on a characters face or a specific detail or object that the audience should be aware of.
The editing includes fast pace cross cuts that help speed up the passing of time and also shows the movement from scene to scene.
The mise-en-scene setting I found was a sci-fi convention when the characters doctor and rose were in the tardis I found this a convention because in most sci-fi there is a lab or a base. The props are linked to the costumes, there is different props used throughout mainly the laser pen, this is also a sci-fi convention as these gadgets don't normally exist. The actors doctor who especially use scientific terminology when speaking to make it sound like they know what there talking about. The lighting is quite low key I think this is because it's meant to look quite eary and mysterious as if it was bright and colourful it wouldnt be a sci-fi convention.
The sound in this programme was both a mixture of non-diagetic and diagetic, throughout there is a robotic metallic sounding non-diagetic sound bridge of music which is a typical sci-fi convention. The dialogue for the characters is diagetic sound but there is a non-diagetic sound that turns into a diagetic sound when a CD is put in, which is quite unusual.


  1. Weekly Class Performance w/c 30th Sept:
    Hannah, you have been making some contributions to class, but you are still not always 100% on task in lessons, which you do still need to work on. I am concerned about the quality and timeliness of your homework. The homework you are doing is sometimes underdeveloped (the research source: you simply quote the source, with no context of how it may relate/be useful to your topic), or late (Dr Who analysis), or not specific enough (the Dr Who analysis hardly mentions any narrative events/characters, and doesn't mention the title of the episode), or isn't done at all ('Love & Monsters' analysis with theory?). We need to discuss this further today.

  2. Hannah, the 'Love and Monsters' homework requires you to watch the episode (if you need to borrow the DVD to watch in college, let me know). You then need to reflect on how you can apply Warshow and Altman's theories on genre to the episode (using the worksheet you were previously given in class).

  3. Weekly Class Performance w/c 7th October:
    Hannah, you are making an effort to focus in class, and you had a good research visit to the BFI library, where you were finding good appropriate sources. As discussed, you do still need to get me your revised proposal, otherwise you'll get a U grade for it, and we will need to refer you to the LIP to catch up with work.TARGET: to get all work submitted to me on time, even if you change your mind about something in the work at the last minute. The key thing to do here is not to leave the work until the last minute.
